HeadTeacher's Welcome

                       Head Teacher’s Comment

A Message from the Founder

It was a dream that started my journey in 1982…

The first step was the hardest. After that it has been filled with lots of exciting, memorable days. My passion of providing quality education to children from all walks of life was the driving force behind this school and the learning that was taking place made all the fatigue worth it!

Every journey starts with a single step and to the students of Nyasa International Senior Academy, I would like to encourage you to strive and work hard in whatever you choose to do. Practice good conduct, develop your work ethic and always be curious and kind. Do not get swayed by the judgement of others or distracted by others who disagree with your path. Believe in yourself, stay focused and work towards achieving your goals.

You may come across speed bumps along the way – treat them as lessons that you learn from because in the end, it’s all about the journey and not the destination.

You can reach the skies if you try so be vigilant and work hard to achieve your goals. Your education is something which nobody can ever steal from you.

Many doors will open if you have that piece of paper to show for your achievements – it’s a feather in your cap which will give you your independence and more choices in life.

Go forth and OPEN that door which will lead to a better life! It’s all up to you!

Mrs Rubina Hajat

MD and Head of NISA

Email:  md.nyasainternational@gmail.com


WhatsApp: 0999510427



Phone +265 (0) 999 653 595
Phone +265 (0) 212 951 208

Physical Address
Off Grevillia Avenue, Limbe

Term Time Office Hours

7:00am-4pm Mon to Thurs 7:00am-2:30pm

School Office Hours

8:00am-3pm Mon to Thurs 8:00am-2:30pm

Useful Links

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